четверг, 8 сентября 2011 г.

First Round Of Awards Made Under The New NIHR Programme Of Research For Innovation, Speculation And Creativity (RISC)

Seven new health research proposals are being funded by the
Department of Health to investigate a wide range of topics that have
the potential to be of real benefit to the NHS and its patients. Each
research project in the first round of awards will receive funds of
up to ВЈ100,000.

The topics funded are very diverse and range from investigating the
use of online communities to help prevent self-harm, to testing
whether using acupuncture in conjunction with moxibustion, a chinese
herbal remedy, can improve the health and well-being of patients
suffering from lymphoedema, a frequent after-effect of cancer
treatment where parts of the body become swollen.

These new awards are being made as part of a new National Institute
for Health Research (NIHR) funding programme called Research for
Innovation, Speculation and Creativity, or RISC. NIHR will allocate
up to ВЈ5 million per year for this programme to make awards of up to
ВЈ100,000 each.

The RISC programme provides an opportunity for researchers to test
potentially paradigm-changing ideas in Health Services and Public
Health research that would probably not fare well in the traditional
peer review system

Dawn Primarolo, Minister for Public Health said:

"I am delighted that we have a health research funding programme such
as RISC to allow new, radical ideas to be tested. The RISC scheme
will fund innovative proposals that may be considered too risky or
unusual to receive funding through more traditional routes, but could
make a major difference to people's health and well-being".

Malcolm Lowe-Lauri, Chief Executive of King's College Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust, chair of the awards committee said, "I am very
pleased with the first seven awards, this is a good start. We will
now look at the lessons learnt from this first round to try to help
future applicants and we hope to see a growing number of awards in
the future, as this programme matures".

All researchers based in the NHS in England can put forward their
ideas for ground-breaking research for consideration and joint
applications from NHS researchers with academic partners as
co-applicants are welcome.

1. The successful first round applicants are:

Applicant Institution:

Exploring a novel Professor Monica University Hospital of
spectroscopic method for Spiteri North Staffordshire
diagnostic monitoring of

The Immunological Prof Paul Emery Leeds Teaching
Stethoscope: A new tool Hospitals NHS Trust
kit to identify
appropriate patients for
complex biologics therapy

Using acupuncture and Dr Beverley de Mount Vernon Cancer
moxibustion to promote Valois Centre
well being and improve
quality of life in
patients with secondary

Collaborative learning on Dr Christabel Devon Partnership Trust
the web. The role of Owens
online communities in
public and professional
health education: an
exploration based on

Dielectrophoresis as a Prof Stephen UCLH NHS Foundation
prognostic tool for Porter Trust
potentially malignant and
malignant disease of the

Melatonin in acute mania Dr Digby Quested Oxfordshire and
Buckinghamshire Mental
Health Partnership NHS

Transplantation of Dr Ragai Ramsis King's College Hospital
Microencapsulated Mitry NHS Foundation Trust
Hepatocytes - A Novel
Treatment for Children
with Acute Liver Failure

2. Applications to the RISC programme are reviewed by a funding
committee drawn from a range of backgrounds, such as NHS clinicians,
academics, NHS mangers, industrialists and venture capitalists. The
committee was chaired by Mr Malcolm Lowe-Lauri, Chief Executive of
King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and then approved by
Professor Sally Davies, Director General for Research and Development
at the Department of Health.

3. RISC is a responsive rather than a commissioning research
programme, so it does not specify topic areas but welcomes
applications on a wide range of issues. As a condition of funding,
all researchers will be required to submit an 'end-of-grant' report
that will be collated into a publicly available report. One of the
main benefits of the RISC awards will be the record of negative
results - that is those potentially paradigm-changing ideas that
proved to be unsuccessful.

4. The Department of Health budget for health research for 2006-07 is
ВЈ753m. Of this, ВЈ50m is allocated for capital funding; the rest is
allocated to research through a portfolio of national research
programmes. The funding supports clinical research in the NHS
research commissioned for policy development, and the NHS costs
incurred in supporting research funded by other bodies such as the
Research Councils and charities. Some funding is provided to increase
capacity to undertake research, and to underpin the UK Clinical
Research Collaboration and priority disease research networks.

5. The Government's health research strategy, Best Research for Best
Health, January 2006, sets out the direction that NHS research and
development will take to ensure a vibrant, world-class research
environment in England. The strategy and its implementation plans are

6. The National Institute for Health Research is the key mechanism
through which the Department of Health is delivering 'Best Research
for Best Health'. More information about the National Institute for
Health Research is available on its website at: nihr.ac

7. The National Institute for Health Research provides the framework
through which the research staff and research infrastructure of the
NHS in England is positioned, maintained and managed as a national
research facility. The NIHR provides the NHS with the support and
infrastructure it needs to conduct first-class research funded by the
Government and its partners alongside high-quality patient care,
education and training. Its aim is to support outstanding individuals
(both leaders and collaborators), working in world class facilities
(both NHS and university), conducting leading edge research focused
on the needs of patients."


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